Monday, November 21, 2011

cutie song :D hahahaaa. his voice is soothinggggg :D
hahahhaha. i very excited!!!! hahahaha. becos tuesday is prom alr. but aiyo, i feel so unprepared, what if i look like a ahma trying to be young?! ahhahaha. yay, and can stay over at dawn's house :D but there's something i can't stop feeling bad, i didn't get to book the chalet, :( hahaha. nvm :D SMILEEEEEEEEE :D TEEHEEEEE >)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

(cute marshy)

haha alou (:
i'm so screwed now, howwwwww :(
i'm like the noobest thing in the world.
i keep losing things even if i try not to :(
and yaknow what? the orion is back in the sky after MIAing for a few months!!! :D hehe.

anyway, now must go pompom and call him later :D