Saturday, January 28, 2012

okay, i got nothing better to do. :p hahaha. i shall post old fotos!! hahaha.
6 Jan`12 was first friday of the year which was combined service. hahah. and worship all was all awsome. :p haha. eunice, nic, jingyang and me all wore grey jackets. and eunice, nic and me three wore red shoes/slippers! cool right!!! B) hahahaha.

haha yea! so diz is mah fotos. hahahaha. and look! it kinda forms a cross!! :D
i think fisheye is so funny, cute and fun to play with!!! :p

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

'There are hundred of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.'
reading this quote just makes me smile!! ^^
hahahaha. life's been really nothingish, all im waiting for now is for the results to come out, then get nagged at by my parents :( hahaha. no one else to blame but myself eh? hahahah.

oh yaaa, i came back from taiwan like 4 days ago i think.
hahaha. it didnt even feel like i went there siaaa. haha.
but yeah, the night markets are so awesome, esp the clothes, damn cute!!! :D
hahaha. the nice things to eat is quite little ba, like the potato cheese and mushrooms!! :P
hahahahah. kay, enough about my trip :p

on the 29th when i came back, at night got worship retreat, quite fun i think :D
hahah. then on the 31st got watchnight service, the service not bad la, quite jumpy :p
but after that so boring alr, then went prawning with him :D the prawns like all fed alr lor, only left the small ones. sadded. hahaha. nvm, next time still can go prawn :)

( worship retreat! lazy to wear contacts. luckily no one judged me :p )