people are doing this on tumblr, day by day, but i shall do all at one go, since i wanna make my blog alive :p
1. Five ways to win my heart- Be a gentlemen and respect all girls
- Be a christian
- Don't flirttttt.
- Gotta be sporty, which means TAN :D
- If you win it, you win it (:
2. Something i feel strongly abouti believe in the one and only God i believe in, Jesus Christ (:
3. A book i lovei don't actually read books but i think i like the Bible :D
4. Bullet my whole day- Went to PP
- Watch anime and drama
5. Things i want to say to an exi am sorry. and i truly want you as my buddy :(
6. My views on mainstream musicas long as i like the music, mainstream doesn't matter.
7. 5 pet peeves- Attention seekers
- Feeling ugly
- Advertisements when i'm watch youtube or anime!
- Bad-smelling air aka smoke.
- Messes
8. What i ate todayi ate tom yum soup with rice and kfc and mac&cheese (:
9. How important i think education iswell, rather important since we have to find jobs.
10. Put my music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that playlullaby - joey moe, if i become a memory - tank(chinese), wake me up when september ends - greenday, beautiful - secrets in stereo, not a love song -ross lynch, what if - simple plan, enchanted - taylor swift, unpredictable - the icarus account, take me to the clouds - daniel schuhmacher, still - 98 degrees
11. Your familymy father, mother, two brothers and one maid (:
12. Five guys whom i find attractive my crush, niall horan, mario maurer, kao jirayu laongmanee, tan guys.
13. Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with iti feel fat esp my thighs, i feel insecure but i still wear shorts.
14. What i wore todayt-shirt and shorts.
15. My zodiac/horoscope and if i think it fits my personalityscorpio, it doesssssss amazingly. for some things laaa.
16. Something i always think 'what if...' aboutwhat if i never broke up.17. Something i'm proud ofmy God, my family.
18. A problem that i have hadSleeping
19. Five things i lust afterpretty face, skinny legs, everlasting happiness, mesmerizing eyes, photogenic
20. My fearsi am scared of losing people, scared of not being happy, not being good enough.
21. How you hope your future will be likeget married have kids.
22. Your academicsaverage.
23. Something that i missbuddy and supergoodfriend :(
24. Five words/phrases that make me laughwhy are you laughing?
25. Something i'm currently worrying aboutworrying if it's one sided.
26. Things i like or dislike about myselfalmost everything, but i cant cos i'm fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
27. A quote i try to live bydo what makes you happy.
28. Somewhere i'd like to move to or visitholland (:
29. Five weird things i likesmelling things, late night getaway, giraffes, fixing things, being stubborn
30. One thing you're excited forbadminton with mummy and idk who tmr haha.