Haha this is a random photo i just found on fb and this is a post i actually want to dedicate to my dad but i know he won't ever chance upon this. But i'm still gonna post anyway because i need to let things out.
Hi Daddy, you've always been the greatest figure in my life. Your footsteps have always been the ones i want to follow because you're just so great to me. I wish i had your hardworking genes and i really look up to you because i have no idea how you worked so hard without complains, just to give us a comfortable life. From having your last $50 to living on a landed property, your hard work really paid off.
I've never been able to express how much i love you because i'm not the apple of the eye but i'm still going to work out so that i can do you proud, at least as a daughter. I just wanna see you happy. No matter how much i wish that we were closer, we aren't. But i still love you for being my greatest daddy and being so protective of me and giving me everything i need. I love you so so much daddy.