Monday, March 12, 2012

hahaha hayo mayo! :p
'today' was super fun! went out with the sec 1s' from 2 years ago de surabaya trip. :p haha. there was eunice, me as the seniors only, and callys, kristie and ashwini. ahaha. althou got 5 of us only, we had manymuch fun! :P hahaha. i met them later cos they went to watch lorax but alr did. so met them for lunch. hahaha.

then after lunch, we went to play hide&seek in j8! hahaha. at first it was the 4th floor to hide only, then no one could find me. hehehe. haha. then we went to Best! haha. the sales(wo)man all look at us as if we planning a noob robbery :p hahhaha. and i managed to get my 1-for-1 mcbites! :p

then we went to bishan park and played at the playground where there were like mini landmines hehehe.

hahaha and we sorta made new friends, but all kiddos heh.

( this boy is called johnson. :p )

( this boy is like super cute!!! hahha. )

( haha we wanted to take a group foto on this super tall rock, we had to pull each other up. :p hahaha. i had to chiong within 14secs for this pic :p )

haha and on this rock, we played shark and woman where it was so hard for us heheh.

hahhaha i love this dylan mansxz, or isit kiran. hahah. i think its kiran cos dylan was too shy to take fotos i think. :p hahahaha. fyi, kiran and dylan are brothers, hahaha. they wore the same shirt same pants, super cute mansxzxzxz. hahahaha. :D


ps; if the pix of the kiddos are too small to be pedoed, you can always drag the picture to the tab on top! :p

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