Tuesday, February 21, 2012

haha i was uploading photos in my flickr and searached my daddy's acc and found this pic! hahahah.

hahaha, i was hiding in the phonebooth eating my cup noodles cos it was so cold outside in korea! hahaha.

okay, i thank God cos He helped me to make a decision since i was always indecisive. and today i got fired from my job! hahahaa. good thing i guess. i was sorta fired cos i talked back and didnt want to do so many things, but i was deciding to quit or not to quit alr, so thank God, He made my decision. :) TGBTG! ^^

and now i can go back to my old lifestyle of sleeping late and waking up much later! teeheeeez. hahahaha. mightyknight everyone! may you be a knight in your dreams and fight all your monsters and bad guys! hahaha. :D

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