Tuesday, March 6, 2012


today im quite happy! went out with eunice, charmel and joe! :D hahaha. we went to take xray (for our poly admission thingy). okay, you didnt need to know that but yeh :p hahaaha.

we went to family store where they sell like salvation army donated stuff! they have so many cute and cool stuff and ofcos i bought something!! :D hahaha. i bought like two knitted shirt/vest!! yayyyy!! :D haha.

( cute shoes! :p )

( paddington sockyshoes!! :D )

then we went to spca and there were only a few cute dogs but thats enough for me! :D hahaha. i love the tearing dog, cricket, he is like so dao but thats what i like bout him! :D haha. and he is so scared of the cam just like apple!

haha then there was like other cute dogs too la, like mandy (i think). hahaha. yay! :D haha.

( a random sleeping dog. hahhahaha. )

( this is cricket, the tearing dog, he's super cute and guai! :D )

( *escape artist* hahahahaha. )

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