Wednesday, May 30, 2012


compare the left one with the right one? spot the difference! :p
hahahahahah yes! the rainbow!!! :p gosh, i sound like dora the xplorer. 
hahahaha but yeah, you know i was walking then suddenly drizzle and normally ppl will look down to prevent their face from getting watered. but im different, i looked up and guess what i saw! THE RAINBOW HEHE.
and sadly the second pix was taken like 1 min after i took the 1st pic, the rainbow disappeared so fast yknow! and yes, that's why i feel so lucky weeeeee :D :D :D :D :D
and look at that tiny little moon ^^

ps, (the rainbow not very obvious in the pic, but omg, it's just so hopeful to see it! :D)
pss, (the rainbow is near the center down, that little bow (:)
okay, i just like to take this moment, and thank God for everything. 
let me use the rainbow as a guideline :)

Red - I like to thank God for all the love i received and given! :)
Orange - The happiness i get from everybody i know!
Yellow - All the little smiles and little hopes i get, for eg, twinkling stars and many more! ^^
Green - Thank God for everything i've done right for He shown me the way.
Blue - I like to refer 'as true as blue'. So i thank God for the truth i've heard and yeah :) 


and i like to end off with a pic! :)

so ya, rmb to sleep with a smile, and wake up with a smile. a happy day begins with a? SMILE! :D

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