this so so so much.
i thank God for friends, on friday i wasn't feel tiptop(woahwoah vocabdrea) HAHA but in the morning shaz give me manymany sweets ah that i said i love her HAHA. when i'm tipsytopsy(woahwoah again siol) i guess i'm just idiotic man, i can't even mushy mushy to my parents how to mushy to my friends ahahahaha. then after sch went to walkwalk with jerrold and leon and they're quite sweet cos they ask if i'm okay hahaha. so ya i thank God for them :")
honestly, i don't know why i'm so sensitive nowadays but i'm just gonna say what's on my mind. i miss your daily texts, i miss eating with you, i miss hearing your stories, i just miss everything. and yes i do miss you too. i feel happy when i see you, as in i can't forget the years of friendship we had. i'm sorry if i'm wrong for missing everything... it's just when i look at you, i remember everything that happened in our friendship and i can never thank God enough for those. now we're just friends. normal friends. that just sucks. but i'll get over it, i just need time... /:
i never liked to bother people about my problems or bother people with even being myself cos i can be annoying at times. i know i can never really find someone who can stand my oversensitivity, my overinsecurities, my overjealousy but all i can say is i'm sorry for being me. and once i feel that someone is tired of me/annoyed/irritated, i just try to stay further away from them. because i don't wanna bother people, with my voice, my words, my everything :'( i told you one day you will be tired of me, and that day is probably now or yesterday. i'm so sorry, i was just being me, i don't know how to be like others, so perfectly normal and confident of themselves. i'm so sorry :'(
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