jerrold was angry at me for blocking his face but ahahahaha, he was moving not my fault AHAHAHA. MEANIE DREA. but really sorry jerrold ahahaha. but you know i was sad for a few minutes cos i thought jerrold angry with me cos he ignore me cos he has never gotten angry at me(not that i remember > <) BUT HE WAS ACTING AHAHA.
jerrold didn't manage to squeeze in AHAHAHA. but at least like 40% of his specs was in :-P NICE TRY THO AHAHA
sigh everytime i pass by someone who uses the the same cologne as him, i just remember him. ahahaha. no it's not that i like him. he's by far the only guy i knew who knew when i was sad when i pretended to be happy and i really appreciate that because sometimes all i need is for someone to know what i truly feel and tell me that he/she knows i'm not alright y'know. :")
oh and we totally spammed each other's instagrams by liking all photos or rather most photos(if there were too many) ahahahaha. it was funny cos we were exposing each other's zilians and making each other feel shy AHAHAHA funny times :-p
yeah and there are just so many times i just feel like i'm just there. like really. and it makes me sad. i feel that so many times, the sentence below speaks it all like REALLLYYY. AHAHA.
hee jingshen used my phone to tweet "Retweet if you think i'm pretty" and i dunno why i just feel really sad because i feel paiseh and i think i'm gonna get judged for that tweet but idkidk. and i just feel like crying because my pl friends are so sweet to me, idk man i love them :") and ofcos jerrold leon heejingshen also very nice to rt lah hor :") thankyou.
dawn, jamie and bao! :")
ahahahha this is the only pic i think is nice cos that time i had to wear some stupid teeth separator which made my speech weird and my smile extra weird and make me uglier than i am. AHAHAA.
i'm sorry but these are my secondary sch memories and now i'm reminded of them because they're so nice to me when i'm feeling sad about this rt if i'm pretty shit. hehehe. thankyouuuuuuuu :-D
this is for you, my bear. ahahaha. i always believe you are smart, because you got a higher GPA than me. hehe. and i know you are smart, you just don't want to study. but the thing i heard from you is you from NA go express, my impression of you just went *thumbs up* because i always believe people put in effort to make that jump. that's why i sad when you say you didn't put in effort because i like hardworking boys, but you denied it :-( but i still believe you're smart, you might even be like michael scolfied hehehe :-P
i also appreciate all the small things, like you remembering stuffs like my birthday and stuffs but i realised you just happen to remember small stuffs so i guess it became something not to be happy about cos it was normal i guess.
ahahahaaha you know i also jealous very easy, last time i also jealous when my x hanged out so much with his cousin, like veryyyy ahahaa. so when you say that i abit jealous but i know you need your own life :-) and you know something, if you work hard for something, you'll eventually get it. and never is too much of a good thing is bad, let's say too much happiness is bad? naah. it's good :-) even tho we have different Gods but we know our Gods only give us good stuff so definitely too much of good stuff is not bad kay :-) ahahaha anyway i don't get what you should do. ahaha. AND WHY MAKE YOURSELF HAVE BAD DREAM? ahaha.
*important* you promised me that we'll tell each other anything and everything, so you gotta tell me what you think is frightening. and please don't feel insecure okay, because no matter how close i am to other boys (as in physical), i remember to be loyal to you only. hehehe.