Friday, April 19, 2013

andrea the atom 2

today i just felt invisible again or something or just left out or something ahahaha. it's okay, i can handle it, i believe i can. so norita saw me walking alone at the back, she came to me and held my arm, but i guess i couldn't take it so i shoved her away. that was mean. but i'm sorry :'( when i walked behind them, i really felt fine, then norita asked "are you having a tough time?" then i guess it poked my bubble of fakeness. so on the train i guess i couldn't hold back the tears but then again it wasn't that bad, i guess i'm just that strong.

then i thought maybe you would be there like ask me out or smth but i guess you dunno anything about my feelings then. and i did something to make you not happy again and there it goes, breaking my strong wall. i know i can't tell you i'm sad so you wouldn't attack me even if i was already on the verge of breaking down. i had to take responsibility for my actions, i rather you tell me you're hurt now i guess than to protect my feelings. i'll get over it soon enough :')

this is soooo true, it doesn't mean if we don't cut, we don't hurt and if we don't cut deep enough, it doesn't mean we don't hurt like those with scars.

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