Saturday, May 25, 2013


today is just one of the nights i start feeling more insecure than usual. i see pictures of pretty girls or cute girls and i'm just there, the average girl. i don't know why anyone would like me for me because i know there's so many better ones out there. i can't stop feeling scared of losing you just because i'm not better than them, prettier than them, cuter than them or even treat you better than i do.

i'm scared of all the little things like even the likes on instagram, the comments and everything. like if she got many likes, i'll lose you cos she's pretty and stuff. i don't know. i hate feeling this way so much just because it always hurts. knowing i'm not the better one, nor the pretty one, nor the cute one. i wish i could be like those girls who had higher self esteem where they just know they're good enough for anyone without feeling insecure. i always envy those kind of girls because they don't need to face thoughts like this, they can be strong like that, and boys will always chase after them. i'm sorry i'm always so insecure :'(

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