I shouldn't let matters affect me more than they should. Things that matter to you, may be things that don't matter to me. Things that matter to me, may be things that don't matter to you. And this differences make us fight because we don't see each other through each other's eyes. This differences make each other seem as unreasonable because we are not able to understand each other's intentions or actions. For e.g. my brother thinks it's okay to start texting other girls first as a friend. But for me, I think that starting to text other guys first is not okay unless you like him. Therefore we can't see eye to eye, because we don't feel what each other feels.mat·ter /ˈmatər/
Be of importance; have significance: "what did it matter to them?".
trust (trst)
Something committed into the care of another; charge.
I don't trust some people's words like "I like you/I love you." because those are the hardest to believe. You don't know if they think of you all day or before they sleep or even when they wake up. You don't know if they like your company or hugs or care because you don't know if your happiness matters more than their own happiness. Then again there's another reason where you look at yourself and the flaws you have, the bad hair days, how unreasonable you get when you don't get what you want, and you wonder how can someone love you for you.