Monday, November 25, 2013


i was home late yesterday because i was just hanging out at the playground with him. then daddy decides to call and got really angry that i was still out at 1:40am. i got so scared and teary today and yesterday night because i thought mummy and daddy were going to scold me today. but nothing happened.

i get so upset easily nowadays and that affects my appetite alot. it's like i have to keep eating and eating til i fall asleep and if i don't, i get recurring waves that crash these puny eyes of mine. 

this album is sooooo addictive weee, jon gave me his thumbdrive so that i could have more songs yayyyy. and i'm currently listening to matt cardle which is nice too :)

sigh, i really feel like i need to cry for really long. like for hours. then i wouldn't need to cry so many times. just one looooong one will do it. haha i just remembered i told myself to always cry at night so that i won't cry the next day. i don't remember if it worked though.