There are a few types of girls that deal with their inner confidence. Some wouldn't leave their house without putting their makeup on because they feel insecure about how they look, how people view them. Then there are those who are insecure, but yet don't put makeup because they don't want to resort to being "fake" to feel good. After all, you're still going to question yourself if it's really you in the mirror after you've taken off your makeup. It's like a clown, you cover your face with a big red nose and big hair with a big smile. You love to make people laugh, in a good way. But never, do you know who is behind a clown's disguise. Are you still a clown when your role is done at the end of the day? You should be able to still feel as beautiful as you should when you have makeup on because i'm sure you still want to make people laugh when you aren't disguising as a clown.
You don't have to be a clown to make people laugh. You don't have to put makeup to feel beautiful and confident. You have to do little things like:
1. Going out in your favorite outfit for e.g. wear your favorite jeans
2. Moisturize yourself
3. Dress up for yourself
4. Pamper your skin
Doing these small little things will make you feel good about yourself when you leave house. Don't look at the floor when you walk. Meet people in the eye and still keep your head up. Don't feel scared to walk alone because independent girls are waaaay better than needy girls. Sure, you may go out in makeup but you do not put makeup just because you feel insecure. You wear makeup to make yourself more confident, and when you wipe them off your face, you should still feel the same confidence inside of you.
I am insecure, but I am working to not be insecure because I want to feel happy with being myself. Wearing my favorite pair of jeans really makes me feel more confident and I love that feeling of not being insecure when you walk on the streets. Another thing i love is seeing people happy with themselves with little or no makeup on. It isn't easy, but it takes practice. Take each morning to tell yourself to feel confident and believe you can be and you'll naturally be happy. Paste a quote on your mirror, your toilet, anywhere you'll see every morning to start the day right.

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