Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 May // Where are you

my brownie yum yum :)))

another brownie that's yummier HAHA keed

I think i'm finally becoming a woman like I'm super spendthrift now, on clothes and even bookmarking more than 10 items i wanna get. So to fund all these clothes, I HAVE TO WORK. I've been trying to look for part time jobs, in retail so that I can get discounts for clothes hahahaha but i guess it's okay now because I found a cheaper way to buy clothes that I like, even though I don't know how's the quality like. BUT its still clothes so :DD 

This song kept playing today because i heard it somewhere and it's just a brain thing where i hear some song(samsung HAHA) and it gets stuck in my heaaaddd. Anyway, this girl's voice is amazing and she looks cute :x haha.

Chocolate's been gone for like 5 days and I'm so worried for him because he isn't a very smart dog and worse of all, he isn't fierce. He's so friendly that he might be kidnapped by an evil person who refuses to give him back to us. Sigh. I miss him and so do my parents :"(

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