hey, i'm gonna smile like nobody's business no matter what. i'm not gonna let all the lies, sweet talks bring me down. even if i do, i won't show it to anyone. at least i'll try :)
okay, putting that aside, today i was like super happy cos i could see my longest friend in church, jerrold! maybe cos i missed him? hahahaha. okay, who wouldn't miss their very good friend? hahaha. today went shopping! haha. but the trip damn fail, leon bought his shirt, and i bought a dress that they chose for me, hahahahahaha. it's my first outdoor dress i ever bought! hehehe. then jerrold quite sad cos he didn't get anything! hahahaha. okay ya, that's my happy day, AND I WILL LET THIS HAPPY THING RULE OVER MY SAD THING!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE! RAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR.
anyway, tmr he asked to meet up for lunch in sch cos he said he having some course in sp, okay, he's only sec 3, but he's taking forensics science. haha. okay, he said we're gonna catchup but, he lied to me so many times, i don't know if i can trust what he says anymore :( SHHHHHHHHHIT.
HAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPY! asfmjaknfawjkdnqwuifnuianguianuivmaskdmasd.
i am askomndjiqwnfwneghrngerugn happy!!!! wooohoooooooooooooooooooo! ...
goodmornight to everyone, may you be blessed with a happyface now and forever :)
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