Thursday, June 7, 2012


i lalalaike this song :p haha. okay, today met him and hm, wasn't as awkward as i thought it would be. i was supposed to be a tool for him, but his girl didn't show up so he thinks this trip is wasted, even thou he said main point is to ketchup! but whatever alr, i feel any nice things said to me is just plain sweet talk, and i don't want to trust a single soul alr, but i just realised i still trust my oldest friend in church :) but i just feel that we're so far apart now. i don't know what to feel anymore. i feel so lost. empty. and today we had to play matches and i just couldn't do it at all, i'm sucha failure. i'm a big fool, a failure who learns so damn slow. i try to be a good friend to all my goodfriends, but i'm even failing at that. i can't keep them, i can't start convos. yes, you're gonna say cos i don't take initiative and all. but hey, you're not even me, you can't say that, you don't know me. you don't know how much i'm hurting. but it's okay, i rmb one quote:
I may not know why, I may not understand, but I will lift my eyes, and trust this is Your plan.
okay, i actually feel muchmuch better now, reading my quotes, esp the Godly quotes :) i love God :)
hehe thank God i have a quote book, story book, zodiac book, all handwritten by me, info gathered from everywhere thru the internet :)

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