hiiii, left is me without makeup right is me with makeup HEHE
yesterday was LABOUR DAY and everyday is labour for nickyboy because I'M LABOUR TO HIM HAHA my frequent pms is quite bad and it makes me very cranky and i don't even know how he stands me hehe love him so much 

anyway we went to miyoc warehouse sale and sigh i'm slightly disappointed, maybe because i wasn't early or what but they said it'll be cheap but it wasn'ttttt. i even got a white dress for $18 BUT GUESS WHAT it has yellow stains on it sigh but there was black parka that i really liked and it was $10(CHEAPCHEAP) haha
hehe we ate at MY favourite place; eighteen chefs hehe and cine's outlet is soooo much better than tiong bahru, in terms of their preparation and service! like the rice isn't grainy and there is enough sauce to cover everything. 
why do we get mad? is it because we're hurt or we're just not happy with the person? but i guess all our problems lies in us having too high expectations for people. we expect them to know us inside out, to read our minds, to know everything we like and dislike and if they don't, we get mad over the slightest thing. i'm so sorry i expect too much from people. but as the saying goes;
"Sometimes we expect more from people because we would be willing to do that much for them."
today, i also went to take my ftt and i was like 1 hour early but one thing i forgot: my IC and i feel so ugh because the person said i couldn't go in without my IC and i was so worried. thank God for my daddy because he drove to give me my IC 
though barely passed but i still did hehe
avril lavigne is forever so awesome ah hehe