Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Month of may //

So this month has been really really fast and this was taken a week ago where i was eating with my tennis girlies hehe the next time we meet is the time we go through intensive training. I kind of look forward to it because i know i will become fitter and hopefully skinnier.

Then, last friday happened, where my korkor graduated from SP SBIT. I'm really like super proud of him even though his GPA isn't great or anything but all the work he has put in; amazing. Sometimes, i see him tearing his head out over his work and i can't do anything to help him. Buttttt, i get to help him in his maths HAHA i like maths.

ANDDD AJC Choir Concert!!! Actually this is probably the second time i attended Jerrold's concert and his passion for singing just goes on and on, from secondary school to JC. I'm his proud friend to always be there to watch him shine in his moments. Hehe and also great company, Leon & his girlfriend, the funny pair that makes us laugh and also the piggy boy who i love so so much hehe

HAAAALLLLOOOOOOOOO HAHA i look really cui here like my eyebags and all. Recently i've been getting really bad eyebags because i can't sleep at night. And this month has been a really good month.

Both bro's birthdays in this month!!!! Hehe. Love my family so so so so so much <3

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