Monday, March 25, 2013

dang dang3 dang1

okay so today was the first day of working at dayspring kindergarten again :-) and ofcos the kids there never fail to make me happy happy merry go round :-p so in the morning session, i like this boy called zander, he's really so cute because i told him my hand so big, he say his hand so small, and i grabbed the boy's hand beside him and he wanted me to grab his hand too by making me put both palms on the table then i would catch his little palm on top of mine :-) HE VERY CUTE LAH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HAHAHA.

then 2nd session there was a pair of sister twins, quite cute lah but always ignore me one bleh. and there was matthias also, he is supersuper naughty. like he is super smart and answer most questions like a young einstein, hehe ofcos i exaggerating. but yeah.

then after we "off" work, eunice brought me to go see our k1 kids, hehe. i got to see my declann. at first he didn't notice me and when he did, i waved but he just stared :-( BUTTTT then he going to sit at his seat, i wave again and again stare :-( NONO, THE REAL BUT IS HERE. BUTTTT when he sat down (his back facing me), he turned back twice and i waved both times and finally the 2nd or 3rd time he turned back, he smiled and waved to me!!!!!!! THAT MEANS HE RECOGNISE ME OK OK OK :-DDDD HEHEH. little declann is mine and mine only. i will marry him WAHAHAHA. oh and i saw little kaden too hehe but he didn't see me but it's okay :-) still the fair little brave prince in my eyes :-P

then i went to bugis to shop and i'm really pokai mansxzxzx. i bought 3 tops and moreee and total i spent more than 100$ i'm so heartpain. no lah actually no heart pain. just pokai only hehe. then we went to watch movie which i suggested and we only left with one called the gatekeepers. omg, i fell asleep HAHAHA. but anyway i think i was very sleepy alr then when walking outside i tripped on a drain and it was a super big trip i'm so embarassed man. and also when i shopping at lvl 3, i popped my head out of a clothes rack thinking it was eunice BUT NO it was a guy and i think i shocked him HAHA.

yep that's pretty much my happy day of little kids and misfortune. :-D

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