today is andrea's day and andrea is kinda happy but it feels like any other normal day ah. but still i appreciate everyone that remembers my birthday :D total only 19 who sent by sms/wa and a few by fb/twitter (i removed my bday on fb, SHHHH) hahaha. and even dezmand, who i never talked to since we didn't learn drums tgt anymore, and that was 2 years ago? ahaha. so glad! but i also remember his ah :D haha. and a few others that i really appreciate, esp my crush and the two j's. i was happy to receive my crush's hpd greeting(?) when i planned on forgetting him cos i scared i like him too much. so i was happy til i almost teared, but then came along your msg, where i really teared ah. i was really happy that you remembered our date to catchup and all.
i caught a movie with joanna and she kinda didn't rmb my birthday and she was late for our movie date so i felt really sad but after she realised it was my birthday she felt bad and said sorry so i sorta okay alr :) haha.
then dinner with joanna + fel + fed @ astons and fed didn't really talk much today ah, i think he emo2 but i can't do anything :( haha. then went to church and it was as per normal but the best part i liked about tonight was that i said to aunty happy birthday then went to tell her she got same birthday as me. so uncle heard and say 'ohya, she same bday'. and wished me hbd :D and their smiles were reallyreally big so i felt reallyreally happy :D haha. eh j, i think your parents really very cute ah :D and i got to know them through you, which i am glad to have you in my life too :D
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
THIS IS SO AMAZING AND THIS IS AT MALDIVES. IT LOOKS SO NJLQCLNREJLBERNGE GOSH. ahahahaha. sorry, my ultimate fetish for stars and any glitter or crap. hahahaha.
anyway i'm sosososo scared of liking my crush more than a crush which isn't supposed to happen because WE ARE THAT CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE. geezzzz. and it's gonna be dangerous if i really do like and shitty shit will shit more shit which is shitty. hahahaha.
and yesss i got keep all of you in my mind, for your peace of mind when doing o's. i hope the little peace got into that heart of yours and gave you peace :D hehe.
this song is just so boomz and it has the right words for encouragement, so yeah :D PLEASE BE ENCOURAGELY ENCOURAGED. :D
and i realised i haven't posted photos of myself in a while ah teeheeeez :D
Sunday, October 21, 2012
this is the time to give your all to God.
i tweeted 'do your best and God will do the rest and don't expect to get good results if you didn't put in the effort.' and apparently my friend said i was brutal, but that's the damn truth. you can't expect me to say 'oh you're gonna do fine' if you didn't study or put in the effort. and when the results come out, you just say 'i wish i had studied harder.' and if i'm not brutal here, they probably won't realise the importance of studying, and just hoping they get good results based on luck. so i hope by my brutalness, some will actually go and study PLEASE! don't fail your parents and do them proud. i'm sure you want your future kids to make you proud of their results too :")
and for those i've been ALWAYS praying for, i really really really really truly hope that you guys will do well, and i kinda have a good feeling because i know you guys have really put in alot of effort to study, like almost everyday yall will study and you guys will be proud of your results, and feel that all the studying is all worth it. and definitely, i know my prayers won't be wasted, and my hopes for you guys will be sky high so yeah. don't forget this little existence of mine is supporting you guys always. and i hope to see your smiles that will brighten my day when you guys receive your results :)
please always remember that God is always by your side and no matter how anxious/worried/scared you feel, just remember to commit all of those to Him and He will give you rest, give you peace and everything you need. just believe in Him and in yourself :)
i'm never good with words, i always say the wrong words at the wrong time like my brutalness just now. but i hope this little piece of assurance may at least help you :)
i tweeted 'do your best and God will do the rest and don't expect to get good results if you didn't put in the effort.' and apparently my friend said i was brutal, but that's the damn truth. you can't expect me to say 'oh you're gonna do fine' if you didn't study or put in the effort. and when the results come out, you just say 'i wish i had studied harder.' and if i'm not brutal here, they probably won't realise the importance of studying, and just hoping they get good results based on luck. so i hope by my brutalness, some will actually go and study PLEASE! don't fail your parents and do them proud. i'm sure you want your future kids to make you proud of their results too :")
and for those i've been ALWAYS praying for, i really really really really truly hope that you guys will do well, and i kinda have a good feeling because i know you guys have really put in alot of effort to study, like almost everyday yall will study and you guys will be proud of your results, and feel that all the studying is all worth it. and definitely, i know my prayers won't be wasted, and my hopes for you guys will be sky high so yeah. don't forget this little existence of mine is supporting you guys always. and i hope to see your smiles that will brighten my day when you guys receive your results :)
please always remember that God is always by your side and no matter how anxious/worried/scared you feel, just remember to commit all of those to Him and He will give you rest, give you peace and everything you need. just believe in Him and in yourself :)
i'm never good with words, i always say the wrong words at the wrong time like my brutalness just now. but i hope this little piece of assurance may at least help you :)
i've decided on something for a change, which is to be early for any outings. because i realise that i get quite pissed when people are ALWAYS late and are so proud of it and i now find that annoying. and that annoyance came from my thinking that 'you always want to be late and be proud of it.' or you just don't make the effort to be early. and so, i'm gonna put in the effort to be early cos i want to let the person who i'm going out with, feel that i did put in the effort to be early and that really shows the intention that i really want to go out with the person etc. haha. and somehow i just get a negative feeling from those who are always late, like trying to gain acknowledgement that you are always late and feel 'happy' when people tease you about you always being late.
and today my friend said 'eh you so good ah' cos i said my curfew at 12 so i must chiong home! hahaha. and ofcos i said i'm good and din't try to be some bad girl and find excuses to boast about being home late and shit. but it's because my parents set a curfew for us for a reason, to be safe and all. and i just wanna keep that curfew on and cherish that law, before i don't have the chance to abide by it anymore. and i was thinking to myself while going home, 'my parents are good to me, so i wanna be good to them.' i mean don't you wanna be good to your parents? because when i was young i rmb i was so worried for my parents if they came back late and if they said they'll be home at 7, but was late, i couldn't sleep well at night. so yea, i know how they would feel, and i don't want them to know how it feels when it happens to them, cos to me, that insecurity feeling i get, it could bring me to tears.
hmm, and i realised that it's true to a certain extent that when you give someone the attention, they will give others the attention, for e.g my friend like this guy and this guy knowing that she like him, treated her like shit. and that kinda happened many times to my friends around me, and gr. it's just like how the tcher will not pay much attention to the hardworking quiet kid at the corner but will pay more attention to the kid who fools around and create trouble. i'm pretty sure the hardworking quiet kid pays more attention to the tcher than the kid who fools around right? but somehow the kid who fools around gets more attention from the tcher. i guess it happens to anyone we give our attention to /:
and i seriously had to admit but words is sometimes more powerful than actions because in this generation, people are all talk and no action. so we have to choice but to sort of believe words only. like i can tell you i smoke one, and i tell everyone i smoke and they all believe i smoke and crap and always think i bad girl but in actual fact i don't. and this generation now is like all talk and they talk about how many guys like her, how many times they club, how often they fall sick and actual fact is we never seen anything but we just believe the words they say and in the end for the 'always sick' girl/boy, people believe them and say 'aw, she's so weak and fragile' while in fact, it's all lies to get sympathy or get teased. hahahaha.
hahaha and random thought: when i'm pregnant i must always have sufficient food in my tummy so my tummy won't grumble and my kid can sleep in peace 8)
Monday, October 15, 2012
okay i just read some tweets on twitter and feel so left out, but it's okay! i'm gonna smile and pretend i'm happy and don't mind that if they realise tmr 8) haha. and kinda the reason is like the reason in sec sch where they think i stay too far so dowan to 'bother' me or rather they just don't want to ask me out. haha. okay, this hurts quite bad i'm gonna cry but NOOOOOOO. because, i'm ANDREA GOH THE FEARLESS STRONG BRAVE QUEEN! yeah i'll be alright, just not now. just keeding, i'm all right! 8D
anyway first day of school is today and i'm kinda happy cos i have nothing to do during the holidays! haha. yeah and had akikdo again and i left my ring at the dojo again and that ring is extremely precious to me, i hope it's not gone 8(
Friday, October 12, 2012
it hurts.
you know the feeling when you're so hurt that it eats you inside? yes, that's the feeling i get whenever i feel like i'm a replacement or rather of no significance. like i'm always the last few choices. it hurts. and along that comes the feeling of being not good enough that's why i'm resorted to a last choice or something. and feeling that i pretend i'm fine only to breakdown at night. it's not a g o o d feeling.
today was a great day nevertheless, i went to play tennis with ben, keith and nick. and tennis is the best sport i've played that makes my stress and troubles go away. tennis is a greeeat relief. haha. yeah and they're funny boys too 8)
today was a great day nevertheless, i went to play tennis with ben, keith and nick. and tennis is the best sport i've played that makes my stress and troubles go away. tennis is a greeeat relief. haha. yeah and they're funny boys too 8)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
blood bond born
hm i've been thinking alot now and i think i seriously need to start treating my little brother better. i always scold him for always bugging me when he has nothing to do, for taking things without my permissions and stuffs. and when i scold him, i don't care how he feels and that's unbecoming of a sister. but i also realised when i see/hear him laughing, i do smile abit cos seeing him kinda makes me happy too :") and what a sister shld be is to always be there for her siblings, and i hope to be someone my brothers can turn to when they want/need to. but sometimes i can't do anything even when i want to, just like that time korkor was sad and i was bside him, not knowing what to do so i just sat there silently tearing because he's so close to me yet i can't help him :'( and so,i need to make my little brother's siblingship with me be as good as the one i have with my korkor. i want to be a good sister!!!!!

hahaha and i'm kinda excited for my own birthday cos it's my day!!!! haha. even thou i'm not celebrating it in any way /: haha. but when it's my day, nickelodean actually has 1D singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' at 5pm so i'm so gonna watch it and make it like they're singing to me <3 hahahaha. and oh yes, i love snowglobes and musical boxes and elmo. haha. i'm just saying! hahahaha.
and yesterday, 9/10, i went out with joanna to watch taken 2 and it was so thrilling which means it was good right? hahahaa. and yeah we went to seesee and went a little mad in daiso ahahahaha. i got a little red lamp which is so cute! and a few other stuffs too hehe. happy girl is this me 8D
hahaha and i'm kinda excited for my own birthday cos it's my day!!!! haha. even thou i'm not celebrating it in any way /: haha. but when it's my day, nickelodean actually has 1D singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' at 5pm so i'm so gonna watch it and make it like they're singing to me <3 hahahaha. and oh yes, i love snowglobes and musical boxes and elmo. haha. i'm just saying! hahahaha.
and yesterday, 9/10, i went out with joanna to watch taken 2 and it was so thrilling which means it was good right? hahahaa. and yeah we went to seesee and went a little mad in daiso ahahahaha. i got a little red lamp which is so cute! and a few other stuffs too hehe. happy girl is this me 8D
Sunday, October 7, 2012
once upon a story.
haha this morning i woke up at like 5:56am because i heard thunder and all and my bolster wasn't with me! haha but in the end i found it on the barrier between aunty and i! haha. then i asked her how come my bolster there then she said she dunno how come my bolster suddenly jump to her bed so she put it on the barrier ah. hahahahahaha. and i found it very funny hahahaha.
and today i went church which means i woke up early which means i was tired ah so i was a little out of sorts and became weird and shit and hahaha. so after church eunice had to go party so i went lunch with the old usual and went pool with cantona and jingyang after that and gosh my pool like shit ah. ahahaha and when i was sitting on the chair i almost flipped the whole chair and i was holding the cue and accidentally hit the lights and accidentally faulted 3 balls cos i touched them accidentally. i was literally so idiotic. gaahh.
and so that's what happens when i'm tired, i don't hide anything and become more gutsy and idiotic which is just being me. but when i'm not, i'm usually conscious of what people think of me so i tend to control my idiocy more esp with people i'm not close with. hahaha.
hm after reading some blogs i feel the blogger in me wanting to blorg it all out. hahahaha. sounds so gross but whateverrrr hahahaha. but i got the inspiration to blog about this part is after reading some stuffs and yeah tadaaaaa ~ ahaha. but yeah.
everyone has had their own crushes and lovers and lovees. and before we get into another relationship, we actually put away our emotions for our previous crushes and likes and sooner or later, those emotions will resurface. for e.g you currently have a crush on someone, have you ever thought that this someone actually reminds you of your previous lovees/crushes or probly you are trying to transfer those emotions of your past into this someone? but honestly, think if you really want your past back, and if you can't let go of your past yet, do not start a new relationship for one day, you'll find yourself remembering those past crushes/likes and realise that your true feelings are not for this someone but for a previous lovee/crush and this transfer of feelings will be transferred back, you will then be stuck in a dilemma if you really like this someone or it was just a transfer.
and i know for me now, i haven't sorted out my feelings into those respective labelled boxes yet but i'm sure i will one day i will and when that day comes, i'll be ready. hahaha. crazzzeeee. but yeah i still think of everyone i was close to and trying to sort them into those boxes of whether it was a transfer or it was real. but for you, i'm sure at least a part of us was real and do you remember, i said you'll be one of the best or rather the best i've had. and surely some part of my heart was true to make me say that. haha. and i don't know if i said it bfore but i think you're cute. hahahaha.
and in general, i know i tend to push everyone away because i'm scared i'm the subsitute or rather a container for this transfer to take place where everything will turn out to be wrong. and yeah that's also why i told you before maybe your feelings for her was transferred into me where i was so afraid for a period of time and convince myself i don't want you just in case you didn't want me so yeah i guess i was too sensitive or whatever you call it but yeah that's why i probably gonna remain single for lifeeee. and yes i've cried over many people but that's because i loved you in either a friendzy or lovery way! haha. just like i cried over my clique cos i feel they left me out and etc gah i was stupid and plain stupid was i. like how i cried when hy cried and we all cried tgt. haha. and i've cried cos i was jealous and that was probably cos some part of me loved you and afraid of losing you. hahahahaha. crazy i am so crazy and crazy is little girl in me. AND YES IM A CRYBABY 8( when there was thunder and lightning that woke me up at night, i was so scared til i cried back to sleep, when i thought of losing dearest friends, i teared. and when everything is too overwhelming for me, i tear again and when i think i'm not good enough or no longer strong enough to believe i can do it, i tear. okay, just keeding, i don't cry or tear! I SWEATTTTTTTT. okay la i admit everything written here is true with my hand over my heart except the part where i don't tear or cry.
but yes, even though you all don't care anymore, i still thankyou, thankyou for the laughters and tears you've brought into my life. i'll very much like to give you all a big barney thankyou hug! 8) ahaha okay not barney, just andrea hug okay? 8)
Saturday, October 6, 2012
hahaha now i don't like sasuke anymore cos he very evil, i only like the young him! hahahaha. now i like kakashi, he so emotionless and quite cool B) hahahaha. and he's so cute to play those games and he very caring for his comrades ah <3 hahaha. and YES THAT MEANS I'VE WATCHED EPI 200+ ALR. which means i only got 30 more episodes to go bfore i'm done, excluding naruto cos i've only watched naruto shippuden and still watching! hahaha.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
today was kinda the last day of work since the kids tmr have children's day! hahaha. and they had children day's celebration today and they could come in home clothes and some of them just look so cute <3 hahaha. and i managed to take only two kids photo 8( hahaha. but it's okay!
hahahaha yesyes i know he looks quite sleepy hahaha but cute what, this face makes me smile like an idiot man! haha and if i'm not wrong, he's matthew! 8D
hahahahaha and this is kaden(i forgot and thot it was caden), my favourite boy! hahahahaha i asked him to smile and dunno why he smile liddat but he so cute ah <3 hahahahah.
and today i wiped two kids asses, cleaned up a kid's vomit on his pants and helped him change. i'm saying this and i know yall will call me a pervy but i'm not that's why i'm saying. hahahaha.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
bee porrrrrrrr
hahaha just saw this on tumblr and just decided to 'reblog' 8D hahaha. but yeah i do feel this way! GR. and nono i'm not referring to anyone just sayinggggg. hahahaha.
hahahaha and i think this is so true, that's why i loveeeeeeeeeee... kids! hahaha. it's like they smile genuinely and you know they are true and when they think of other kids around them, i like them even more ah <3 8)
hahahahah this is sooooo true, i usually see cute guys ah like the tan and concidentally look fierce kind ah. hahahaha.
hahahaha and this little lamb is so damn cuteeeeeee <3 AND I HAD A POST HERE BUT I CAN'T TYPE IT OUT 8(
and on monday i left my watch in the dojo and that adds to my feeling of burdeness 8( like my mummy say bfore cos i eat then my mouth always dirty then she say, "你偷吃別人也会知道。“ then like i feel like i cannot take care of myself. give mummy more burden... then i sometimes after class if bring shoebag then i will leave behind accidentally. then my friends have to wait for me and stuff, even my friend say i always leave mark behind one. and this all adds up to me burdening my family and friends
okaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gggggggggggggggggggoooooooooooddddddddddddnight.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
yesterday i had akikdo like usual and before that went for work! 8P haha. and i really feel so germish like a germ. i dunno what to do in the kindergarten ah and keep walking around like an idiot and annoying the teachers. haha. then mummy at first say can send me go akikdo, but end up cannot cos she smsed saying its peak hour so i go myself, and i immediately teared! 8( i think i got my hopes high only to get them dashed that's why. if she didn't tell me she can't send me in the first place, i prob won't feel sad or anything! RRRRR. and for akikdo it was rather productive, i rmb one more zhao alr! 8D! haha.
and today, again i had work, and it wasn't as bad as ytd cos i was attached to a class unlike ytd. but even thou i'm attached to the class, the tcher told me i cannot be slow and again, i felt like a damn burden. and i can't even control the kids ah. hahaha but ah i saw caden today and waved to him and he kissed my hand AHHHHHH. MY FAVOURITE BOY <3 haha.="haha." p="p">3>
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