Monday, October 15, 2012

okay i just read some tweets on twitter and feel so left out, but it's okay! i'm gonna smile and pretend i'm happy and don't mind that if they realise tmr 8) haha. and kinda the reason is like the reason in sec sch where they think i stay too far so dowan to 'bother' me or rather they just don't want to ask me out. haha. okay, this hurts quite bad i'm gonna cry but NOOOOOOO. because, i'm ANDREA GOH THE FEARLESS STRONG BRAVE QUEEN! yeah i'll be alright, just not now. just keeding, i'm all right! 8D

anyway first day of school is today and i'm kinda happy cos i have nothing to do during the holidays! haha. yeah and had akikdo again and i left my ring at the dojo again and that ring is extremely precious to me, i hope it's not gone 8(

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