hahaha just saw this on tumblr and just decided to 'reblog' 8D hahaha. but yeah i do feel this way! GR. and nono i'm not referring to anyone just sayinggggg. hahahaha.
hahahaha and i think this is so true, that's why i loveeeeeeeeeee... kids! hahaha. it's like they smile genuinely and you know they are true and when they think of other kids around them, i like them even more ah <3 8)
hahahahah this is sooooo true, i usually see cute guys ah like the tan and concidentally look fierce kind ah. hahahaha.
hahahaha and this little lamb is so damn cuteeeeeee <3 AND I HAD A POST HERE BUT I CAN'T TYPE IT OUT 8(
and on monday i left my watch in the dojo and that adds to my feeling of burdeness 8( like my mummy say bfore cos i eat then my mouth always dirty then she say, "你偷吃別人也会知道。“ then like i feel like i cannot take care of myself. give mummy more burden... then i sometimes after class if bring shoebag then i will leave behind accidentally. then my friends have to wait for me and stuff, even my friend say i always leave mark behind one. and this all adds up to me burdening my family and friends
okaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gggggggggggggggggggoooooooooooddddddddddddnight.
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