hm i've been thinking alot now and i think i seriously need to start treating my little brother better. i always scold him for always bugging me when he has nothing to do, for taking things without my permissions and stuffs. and when i scold him, i don't care how he feels and that's unbecoming of a sister. but i also realised when i see/hear him laughing, i do smile abit cos seeing him kinda makes me happy too :") and what a sister shld be is to always be there for her siblings, and i hope to be someone my brothers can turn to when they want/need to. but sometimes i can't do anything even when i want to, just like that time korkor was sad and i was bside him, not knowing what to do so i just sat there silently tearing because he's so close to me yet i can't help him :'( and so,i need to make my little brother's siblingship with me be as good as the one i have with my korkor. i want to be a good sister!!!!!

hahaha and i'm kinda excited for my own birthday cos it's my day!!!! haha. even thou i'm not celebrating it in any way /: haha. but when it's my day, nickelodean actually has 1D singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' at 5pm so i'm so gonna watch it and make it like they're singing to me <3 hahahaha. and oh yes,
i love snowglobes and musical boxes and elmo. haha. i'm just saying! hahahaha.
and yesterday, 9/10, i went out with joanna to watch taken 2 and it was so thrilling which means it was good right? hahahaa. and yeah we went to seesee and went a little mad in daiso ahahahaha. i got a little red lamp which is so cute! and a few other stuffs too hehe. happy girl is this me 8D
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