Thursday, February 21, 2013

hahaha this is my morning face, i do not look good with my whole face so here is half of my face! HAHAHA. anyway nowadays are sooo boring. hahaha. and i'm tempted to read 'The Fault In Our Stars' again, but i scared won't finish in time to lend to Adri on mon! :D haha. then again i have to do my DEar DEar DE hahahaha. ok sorry. i want mantou. ok. I WANT MANTOUUU but i'm running out of it sooonnzxz.

nowadays my attitude like crap cos i'm so fricking tired of everything like stuffs and exams and idk. SOrry! HAHA. and during the holidays idk if i should work or slack the wholeeee month. but i know i'm gonna EXERCISEEE. i need to sweat once in a while to destress and feel good about myself.

PS: the rain was nice. :D

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