Saturday, November 24, 2012

i remember in pri sch, i always wanted to be a nurse, so i can help people and make them smile. then in sec sch, i wanted to be a psychiatrist cos it was so cool, knowing who's lying by their body behaviour. hahaha. so i think when i go uni, i'm gonna be a nurse! :p even though i will waste a year in uni but i'm kinda determined to follow my young dream to save people's lives and yeah, i want to be able to be there for the patients and talk to them and make them happy and also not feel alone :D hehe.

i think down the road, i'm gonna fall in love with the way people fight for their lives, the way people care for their loved ones. i'm gonna fall in love with the little things. i'm gonna fall in love with the way their eyes meet. and then my life shall be a meaningful one (:

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