Monday, October 22, 2012

THIS IS SO AMAZING AND THIS IS AT MALDIVES. IT LOOKS SO NJLQCLNREJLBERNGE GOSH. ahahahaha. sorry, my ultimate fetish for stars and any glitter or crap. hahahaha.

anyway i'm sosososo scared of liking my crush more than a crush which isn't supposed to happen because WE ARE THAT CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE. geezzzz. and it's gonna be dangerous if i really do like and shitty shit will shit more shit which is shitty. hahahaha.

and yesss i got keep all of you in my mind, for your peace of mind when doing o's. i hope the little peace got into that heart of yours and gave you peace :D hehe.

this song is just so boomz and it has the right words for encouragement, so yeah :D PLEASE BE ENCOURAGELY ENCOURAGED. :D

and i realised i haven't posted photos of myself in a while ah teeheeeez :D

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