Saturday, October 27, 2012


today is andrea's day and andrea is kinda happy but it feels like any other normal day ah. but still i appreciate everyone that remembers my birthday :D total only 19 who sent by sms/wa and a few by fb/twitter (i removed my bday on fb, SHHHH) hahaha. and even dezmand, who i never talked to since we didn't learn drums tgt anymore, and that was 2 years ago? ahaha. so glad! but i also remember his ah :D haha. and a few others that i really appreciate, esp my crush and the two j's. i was happy to receive my crush's hpd greeting(?) when i planned on forgetting him cos i scared i like him too much. so i was happy til i almost teared, but then came along your msg, where i really teared ah. i was really happy that you remembered our date to catchup and all.

i caught a movie with joanna and she kinda didn't rmb my birthday and she was late for our movie date so i felt really sad but after she realised it was my birthday she felt bad and said sorry so i sorta okay alr :) haha.

then dinner with joanna + fel + fed @ astons and fed didn't really talk much today ah, i think he emo2 but i can't do anything :( haha. then went to church and it was as per normal but the best part i liked about tonight was that i said to aunty happy birthday then went to tell her she got same birthday as me. so uncle heard and say 'ohya, she same bday'. and wished me hbd :D and their smiles were reallyreally big so i felt reallyreally happy :D haha. eh j, i think your parents really very cute ah :D and i got to know them through you, which i am glad to have you in my life too :D

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