Monday, December 10, 2012

HAHAHAHA so cute :D
i just read my old blog and realised how easily happy i could get last time, for e.g eating a lollipop made me happy HAHAHA. OHYEABOOOOM. so i was thinking, i can always be as happy as i was or even happier, so why should i be sad/angry/disappointed/jealous or whatever shitz.

but i think i today happy til i look so gile ah, like smile smile at everything and every tinysmiled at anyone HEHE.

whenever you're down, LOOK UP :D because that's why hope lies, in the stars, in the moon, in our God :D

WE ALL JUST WANNA BE HAPPY IN LIFE DON'T WE. or let's say being happy is being successful :D I AM SUCCESSFULDREA. HAHAHA. time to train my LoL AND KICK SOME BOTS Y0zZzZzZ HAHA.

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