Monday, December 17, 2012

i'm sorry little bloggie, i'm really trying to be happy but i can't. i'll get through this soon k.
so let's say, i cried because i don't fucking care yea?

and everytime i finish crying, i always look at myself in the mirror and i can feel myself getting cold. and for the next few days, i can feel nothing but happiness. i won't be able to feel sad. because i felt myself being stronger. and my heart was saying "nothing can hurt you." because i remember the pain i felt while crying for who knows how long, so my heart shuts down for that few days. then after that few days, i forgot about the pain and i can feel sadness again and starts tearing again. so if i tell you i'm stonehearted, it means i actually cried a few days back. i know this sounds make up but up to you to believe (:

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