Tuesday, April 23, 2013

i love my little bear, tho you're still skinny, i still like your hugs alot, and i like hugging you too, but i prefer being hugged by you hehe. i feel protected :-p ahaha. so you must always hug me whenever and anytime okay? cos i will always want your hug :-D and i do get happy when we hold hands too, and it's alright for you to feel that it's weird for you to feel happy when it's holding hands cause that's the point of holding hands. ahahaha. and thanks for giving me my first even tho i was scared to give you back one! ahahahaha. thankyou for loving me :") ♥ i love you babe ahahahaha. and i will be loyal to you also lah, don't worry cos you my gayboyyy and no one can replace youuuu AHAHA. aku sayang kau! ♥♥♥♥♥

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