Monday, April 9, 2012

andrea's ways to treat your girl right :p

one: you must always reassure her that she's the only one you like and make sure you won't like others.

two: don't lie to her. if she asks if another girl is prettier, say the TRUTH.
(but ofcos make sure you clarify you dont go for looks etc)

three: if she is hurt, never go to sleep without making sure she's fine. make sure she does not feel sad before she sleeps.

four: don't be afraid to tell others that she's your girl and don't let rumors affect your r/s.

five: respect her decisions. probly clarifying with her the reasons of her action can help you understand her decisions.

six: don't keep anything from her. if npt she will think she ain't doing her job as a girlfriend.

seven: have long talks on what both of you can improve on and probly tell her what you like to do or not with her :)

hahahaha. thats all i can think of now. maybe there will be a part two? but ohwell, this could be unreliable coa different boy/girl different perspective. but no harm trying :) goodknight :)

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