Friday, April 13, 2012

hahahalow. today is so hotttt. the weather needs to chill and i shall sacrifice some icecubes. hahahaha. ohwell today i woke up so early and couldn't get back to sleep so i watched a movie, watch it. it's pretty scary :p hahaha. its a good show to you at least. but abit gore :(

hahaha and ytd i watched the one of the cutest christian movie and it's super cute. and im not giving any spoilers! heeheeeez.

as you all can infer, they have round cute eyes and oval noses hahahahaha.
super cute right!! hehehe.

hahahaa sorry i have to say this, iLOVETENNiS!! <3 hahaha. i played it ytd, so am i tmr! hahaha. actually not play. is training. and im gonna take it in poly too. weeeeeee :D babye.

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