Sunday, April 22, 2012

life :) my hard disk isnt working anymore and all my data are inside. i have no one to blame but myself /: i lost everything now :'( haha. i have no guts to go in for svc alone. what the fuck is wrong with me. im chicken hearted :( haha. i have nothing good in me at all. can't make friends, can't keep friends. failure. today even forgot to bring home my shoebag and towel, stupid brain. all my friends are continuing to leave me out as usual and i'm still trying to get used to it and acting like i don't care. but i guess maybe God wants it to be a fresh start, no old friends and all. just new. i have to sleep and pray tmr i won't be ao goondo anymore. ugh. sorry gaiz. please be happy all :)

may the camel eat all your sadness and troubles away! :) goodknight :)

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