Friday, April 20, 2012

haha i thank God for so many things in my life, for eg. my bro and my coach! hahaha. they pulled strings for me to get into SP even thou sch alr started for SP. haha.

ytd i went for tp orientation cos i wasnt sure if i was in sp yet. so i just went lor. haha. i must say sorry to the boy who was doing the mass dance with me for leaving him with no girl partner hehe. but truth be told, he looks noce when he smiles :) haha. it was quite funny cos we didnt know the actions well so it was quite fun and funny :p both of us was like saying "open open close close, open open close" jist in case we cldnt rmb. haha. i like how we would turn around and say "rah" we had to look at our partners and say that so quite fannie :p

there was this malay random mentor who was standing in front of me leading cheers and all. then he started talking to me and blah. then he say im his gf all those crap. when he randomly said "want to be my girlfriend? ... did i just propose like that? ... i suck man" haha. i think he very poor thing :( i think he got low self esteem cos he said "he not handsome not smart." gahh :( then he anyhow find a marker which all mentors shld have and wrote on my arm his name hhahaha. not trying to say anything or show anything. but its quite nice to have someone play with you on the "first day of sch" where you feel so lost right? :)

TGIF :) goodknight!! :)

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