Sunday, May 12, 2013

hiiii, it's pretty cool how you can jump 240cm for standing broad jump while i can only do 170cm. that's like 70cm difference sigh. but it's okay, that shows you're pretty awesome AHAHA. and thankyou for coming down to kembangan the past week and ytd, hehe. love you.

oh and today an insect bumped into me and flew to the small tree beside and i went to find that huge insect then ended up got some random guy in a car slow down looking, (i think he think i was asking for help or mentally unstable cos i'm staring at a tree) AHAHA. but heyyyy, so cool right the insect bump into my shoulder, must be wanna say hi to me HEHE.

and it's not i want to hurt you or make you jealous or anything, it's just, i have no other real friends except for them. and i don't want people saying i abandon old friends for new friends or even saying i got boyfriend then don't care about anyone else. sigh. i don't know how to explain this but i really don't want you to be unhappy. :(

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