Saturday, May 25, 2013


I'll always love this boy of mine no matter how much he hurts me. Hehe. I love him so much. Just walking beside him makes me feel happy hehe I bet he doesn't know that. And not smelling his smell makes me miss him more and I just want to be with him always. The moment of saying bye to him always kills me a little but I know I'll see him soon.

I'll never want to hurt him. But I always happen to do the wrong things at the wrong time and everytime I make him hurt, I wish I could undo that action to make him happy again. Maybe leaving me was easy for him but it'll never be easy for me to leave him.

Oh and i'm supposed to tell you when i'm sad right? I'm sad when i feel like you wanna leave me and when you ask me to leave you. It hurts so bad hahaa. And because i wanna be there for you always, so i wanna travel all the way for you in case you needed me but you never did. So maybe all along i needed you but you never needed me right? Haha. Be happy azri :)

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