Thursday, May 2, 2013

(mickey and minnie is m&m btw. ahahahahaha.)

sorry for not updating for so long, i didn't use my com for a few days cos i was tired from everyday things. anyway, just wanna say i love you. heheheh. thankyou for caring for me, being sweet to me and everything. thankyou for hugging me when i'm sad hehe. actually i like your hugs all the time. and i'm sorry for always feeling like you don't care or you don't hurt. it's really not cos i don't appreciate you know, it's just i feel too worthless to be cared for, then i scared i become someone who like think everyone cares for her. so yeah, i'm sorry for not thinking you care and stuff, and i really feel like crying when you try to show me that you hurt that's why i stop you from punching etc.

i like hugging you the most because for that few moments, i just feel protected by you and like i don't wanna lose you. (unless you thinking of other stuffs or girls while hugging me). ahahaha. but thanks for always thinking about me before you do anything. i also never go looklook at guys alr, except ytd, because i misunderstood that you being interested in someone else is nth. like if i see guy faces, i quickly look away, except like classmate and teachers(cos i pay attention duh). oh, and i won't ever be tired of you because i sort of need you like anytime i got happy or sad stuff to share. and i always want you to be the first to know my life. and i need you so why would i ever be tired of you? hehe.

btw, when you randomly say "i love you", i really heart melt, ahahahaha. especially when we fighting/upset with each other, you just say then all of a sudden, i just give in alr. stupid boy know the way to melt me AHAHAHA. kay i love you. 

and our promises to each other, that we won't ever leave or unlike each other. hehe. 

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