Saturday, May 12, 2012


haha i wanted to blog the past few days but sooooo lazy/tired to do it :p im tired now but yknow. lifes weird and im trying to sleep but cant :p haha.

todays a very fun day :D haha. had group discussion in sch and it was super funny playing with the dough and nonsensing :D haha. then went to play pool with the two boys. but ofcos the noob me is at the sideline with imaginary pompoms and secretly supporting them :p haha.

i think ppl might think im flirt cos im usually with more boys than girls. but this is bcos the boys tend to not leave anyone out while the girls do /: haha. and sometimes you just feel better talking to the boys than girls cos boys tend to be more natural than girls who tend to be more superficial :x haha. i shall try to sleep again! oinkies! :)

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