Monday, May 14, 2012


woohooooo, i like this kind of shirts, which i think is called muscle tank :p haha. but sad thing is i wear like funny only!!! :(

hahahaha and i like dreamcatchers too! they're like soooo cute! but i don't believe in them. cos i rmb having them and i still had nightmares >< hahahahaha. so horrible.

hahahaha ikr! wireart is like so freaking cool! i rmb always passing by wire arts and hoping people would give to me as present :p hahahaha. got guitar and all! but i poor girl T.T hahahaha.

anywayyafornowiamjustpostingwhatiwant/likeforfun!teeheeeeeez :D

hahahaha i am so bored til i found my old blog. and my profile is like so -.- hahahaha. but my other blog still not so bad :p hahahaa. / hahahaha. and from there i realised i 'love' orange in 2009 which was sec 2! hahaha. that reminds me i changed my fav colour cos eunice liked that colour too. lame shit. hahaha.

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