Saturday, May 5, 2012

sorry, i'm feeling so terrible now :'( i just have to keep pretending i'm happy when i reply to the smses. i'm glad to have someone who actually feels the same way i do. haha. and i know you have no intention of keeping our friendship tgt and you are happy or even happier without me. shows where i stand yea? so please spare me your bullshit and make me happy. when the truth hits me, it really hurts you know? and wherever i go, i can't let it out you know? i have to be so tough nobody knows it's hurting. and you, once again don't put in the effort to make me feel better. but its okay. i'll learn to live without any love. and cos of you, i utter despise love. it's fake care. and all you really want is a partner. not cos you really love someone. badbye.

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