Friday, May 4, 2012

today just feels less boring without the friday night laughters. i'm gonna miss those. and i think i have the urge to watch the vow again. ofcos not in the theatre. imma loner man. hahaha.

 was tumblring when i saw this:

hahaha. i so like knitted stuffs and this is kinda cute. but toms and me don't get along. maybe i'm jerrys. hahaha. i can't seem to fit or look good in anything i like. wehhhh :( hehe.

 ohya. today. i feel sooooo tired. idk why man. maybe cos i stay up ytd awhile more just to help korkor. :") hahaha. and i can feel my little eyebags carrying heavy stuff. hahahha. maybe we got earbag, mouthbag, hairbag, nosebag. hahahaha. okay, that'll be awkward. HAHA(i know no one laughs like this and i think people who type that is abit exaggerated) bye. haaaahaaaaa. baaaaabaaaai.

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