Saturday, September 15, 2012

everytime i think of how the people i used to be close with, can just replace me or forget me or unclose to me, i feel so insignificant. like, was i that easy to get over? not even as a boyfriend but as good friends. i was easy to forget eh? and because of people like you all who can just forget about me just like that, i can't help but feel insecure, which sucks.

and probably that's cos there's something wrong with my personality i guess? but i don't know what's wrong with me. i even rmb once when i forgot to buy your dinner, i ran all the way from church and back just to get you your dinner even thou you said it's okay. i was never enough. i get it.

and that's why i should probably have no friends, not get close to anyone but God right? and just like what the quote says,
"I didn't give up because i didn't care. I gave up because you didn't care."
yeah. remember that.

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