Monday, September 24, 2012

i think this pic is just too comforting :")

today was nothing special and boring except for akikdo (: hahaa. i can't get over the fact i forget almost everything that's taught and i only can remember one vividly out of like 3 or 4 or 5 learnt. i'm damn goooon. hahaha. anyway i can't get over the fact that one boy looks like fed! i think it's the eyes and they're both skinny and so similar man! anyway i got to do some thingy with that fed lookalike senior and i don't know the exercise so in the end do awhile only kena chased away. HAHA. but the exercise we have to grab each others wrist and sit so close la haiz, always feel awkward one. akikdo always must have contact one, be it grabbing wrists or neck or whatever, it feels so awkward to me, but i'm getting used to it (: haha.

and yeah this photoset IS SO DAMN AWESOME LIKE FSFAC IBNEFIEWMFVW. HAHAHAHA. but i can't get it to be in the center, or rather too lazy ^^


and i finally get the gist of people not replying aaaaah. it's so unbearable! haha okay lah bearable. but very troubling ah. haiyoooooooooooooo.

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