Sunday, September 23, 2012

so ytd, i was at church from midnight til 8+am and the prayer thing was awesomeish because i can pray for others and it makes me feel better. and if the prayer is granted, both the person and I will benefit, because i will know of His greatness and power (: haha. and then i slacked at home after breakfast with eunice and then went out again for another prayer session, heee this time got ethan and emma hahaahaha, they both so cuteeee! and i admire ethan so much because i saw him prayer at some stations and i felt sooooo WOW. haha yeah! then went for pek's birthday party with kor and blah. hahaha. i only remember the back part ah, where we all were reversal titee? hahaa. play til the booze come ah, then in the end got one cant walk properly and one just the whole face red, but i more awesome, i drink a cup of whiskey and a bottle of beer, and my face not red, but i just felt SLEEPYYY but 100% conscious :D hahahaha. YEAH, kinda awesome :D

and i stole some pics from fb! :p

more than half the people here, idk one man.

nic, pek, kor, me! :D


hmm, i don't like this feeling at all, i never liked it. the feeling of not completing something. like i doing this thing halfway and never complete. I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL. but it's all thanks to you who dowan reply and aiyo, i think you got the wrong idea also la. and the thing is i told myself i really don't care about salvaging alr so i will not start alrrr. SO IT'S INCOMPLETE DAMN. acmomwormacsdf;

but it's okay, i was crazish on fri night alr, and anyhow talk ah, hope it never irritate anyone. hahahaha. and i'm happy i managed to make you smile (: i know alot of people also can laaaaa. but the feeling of me making someone i care about happy, YOU KNOWWWW. :D

and i don't even know if i should try anymore. but i guess i won't anymore. i guess i'll just lose everyone anyway. 

mood: not good.

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