Wednesday, June 20, 2012


i get so damn annoyed when i see people flirting. now i'm just sitting and hearing all the convos, on skype and at home. two other guys (tennis friends but closer to my korkor) are staying over cos their house are too far for them to always come over to the east side to train everyday, yes everyday, this week, incl sat and sun /:

haha ok, back to the flirting part. haha. the girl who has a boyfriend is always getting called by my korkor almost everyday cos he likes her. and then my korkor came out of the room and said to baby, say hi to her, cos i think she wanted to hear his voice or smth? (seemingly flirt to me). then my korkor gave her no. and he actually saved it?! okay. another flirt. haha. and it's not that i like anyone here or what, but it's just so fucking annoying to see people flirting. so bloody annoying. haha.

okay, so annoying aaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh. and now ryan is talking to baby about anime and ben is just sitting there quietly? (:o) hahahahaha. kay, shall end here cos i only wanted to blog about seriously fucking irritating flirts. hahahaha. things i dont like start with f today. such as, flirts! fuck those flirts srsly. haha.

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