Friday, June 8, 2012

we're young.

i like his voiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
haha i just received news from claudia that there's no centralised training wohoooooooo. cos the po-lites will be postponed and blahblah. idk whats po-lite either :p hahahaha. anyway, this just shows that, 'everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday.' haha. YAY :)

today, go chinatown walkwalk to take pictures cos we had photography classes then we also went clarke quay! hahahaha. sounds quite fun right, but actually, it wan't much lo :p haha. but i was feeling so damn sleepy plus tummy feels damn weird /: haha.

i dunno why i feel so much heaviness in me, like no motivation do anything at all and just go with the flow no matter what i'm feeling. haha. but hey, maybe cos i've been trying to be happy for too long, i need a break? haha. so sorry :(

i'm so sorry, i know i suck /:

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