Sunday, June 10, 2012


this kid is too cute :") hahaha. today isn't the best of days but today is kinda happy for me :)
i dunno why either but heeeee :) good to smile right? hahahaha.

this is such an old song but i was reintroed to this song again, and it's so cuteeeee :"p
hmm today fed asked me what i think of jerrold and i said he's the best! hahahaha. okay weird.
i rmb that day went shopping with jer and leon, when we all left, leon asked me what i think of jer and if i liked him, now fed asking me the same! whatsssssssthisssssssssssssssssss. hahahhaha. sssssssss, imma snake man! hahahaha. :D and now i'm lost. fed say must give him a chance and he's a goodguy? haha. maybe he thinks i like him thats why? but i dont know myself either! ahahah.

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